Every Painting Has a Story: April 2023 – “From Whom All Blessings Flow”

It’s April! This month’s painting is one of my more recent ones and I’m excited to share the story behind it!

“From Whom All Blessings Flow” is a 16″x20″ acrylic painting that was commissioned to me by a client who wanted to thank their friends for many years of support. My client asked me if I could paint a scene from Guizhou, a province of China that was dear to the recipients’ hearts. I had known about this project for at least a year and hadn’t quite landed on any particular image despite having researched and brainstormed several times. Then I found out my client would be visiting their friends and somehow everything clicked into place and I went from having no idea to a finished painting within two weeks!

The painting features the Huangguoshu waterfall, a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The waterfall is one of the largest ones in China and also the world. My client had actually visited this waterfall with their friends so it held extra special meaning for them. They had gone at a dry point in the summer and this painting in its earlier stages looked similar to the trickling water they had seen.

From Whom All Blessings Flow, 16″x20″, Acrylic on Deep Canvas (sold)

This was the first time painting a waterfall for me and I learned a lot and enjoyed the process. I combined the references from three stock images to create this piece. It was fun to paint the flowing water and watch it come to life.

The title for this piece is borrowed from a line of an old hymn known as the Doxology. It goes, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” I picture the flowing water as blessings and hope that this painting will always remind the recipients of both the blessings in their lives and the Source of these blessings.

For those with the Scripture calendar

This month’s artwork is paired with John 1:16 which says, “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” A reminder for us to notice and remember the blessings we are given.

Questions for reflection, if you want to go deeper: If you were to picture your life as this waterfall, how much water is flowing at this moment? What blessings are you experiencing today? Take a moment to pause in gratitude.

{This post is dedicated in honour of Rev. Henry Numan. Henry was the one person who replied to every single email newsletter I sent. His presence in my life and inbox will be missed.}

On now until April 28: Tiny Expanses Art Show!

Tiny Expanses – Olive’s first solo art show – Apr 15-28

The Tiny Expanses art show is open! Thank you to the many of you who are coming over the opening weekend to enjoy the 100 tiny sky paintings and for those of you who are browsing online and participating from afar. I’m grateful to everyone who supported the show and especially to those who bought pieces for themselves or as gifts for others. If you’re local, you can still make an appointment to see the show until April 28. All the pieces can be viewed and purchased at my web shop.

If you enjoyed this post and want to read a monthly art story, remember to sign up so future posts get delivered to your email! I usually post them the second Friday of each month. (You might need to check your promotions or junk folders if you don’t see it.)

As always, I love to hear from you! If something in this story resonated with you, if you’re interested in commissioning a painting, or if you have other thoughts, feel free to email, or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram. Thanks for being part of my journey and for letting me be a part of yours!