Every Painting Has a Story: December 2023 – “Infinite Love”

Friends, we have made it to December. I suspect that as you look back over this year, you can recall both gains and losses. What I hope is that through it all, you have felt carried by love. This month’s painting is about that love and I’m looking forward to sharing its story with you.

In 2021, I was asked to create a painting as a gift for a couple who lived in Shanghai. My client wanted a piece that communicated the scripture verse that says, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is [God’s] love for those who fear him” (Psalm 103:11).

I had been introduced to Canadian photographer Tony Wong’s work shortly beforehand and I knew that I wanted to try to paint one of his night sky photographs. I contacted him to ask for permission to reference his work and he graciously welcomed me to it. (If you’re on Facebook, go take a look at his account, Tony Wong Photography. It is stunning.)

It was my first time painting a night sky and took me quite some time. I wish you could see the original painting in person because there are many shifts in colours and layers that can’t be fully captured by a photo.

Since Shanghai was a city dear to the recipients’ hearts, we chose to feature their city skyline in the foreground. To see Shanghai set against the Milky Way galaxy in real life would be extremely unlikely since the city is always lit up, but the magic of painting is that unlikely views like this can become real.

Infinite Love, 16″x20″, Acrylic on Deep Canvas (sold)

I finished this painting in July 2021 and sent it off to Asia. Due to cities being intermittently shut down coming out of the pandemic, this painting didn’t arrive to its destination until September 2022. As the artist, waiting for the recipients to actually get their painting was nerve wracking! Thankfully, the painting arrived safely and from what I heard, the daughter claimed it for her room the moment she saw it.

I titled this piece, “Infinite Love,” because I believe that our universe is made and held together by Love. And this Love cannot be quantified or measured. When I look at images of the stars, I am brought to a place of awe and moved that the same Love that is so big also includes me in it. I hope this sense of belovedness is what the recipients of this painting feel.

“Infinite Love” was chosen for the month of December because Christmas happens this month and Christmas is a celebration of Divine Love in our world. The dark sky also echoes what winter feels like here in Vancouver where I live.

For those with the Scripture calendar

It was natural to pair the painting this month with Psalm 103:11 since that verse was what this piece was based on. It’s humbling and astounding to think that God loves us so so so very much.

Questions for reflection, if you want to go deeper: Take some time to gaze at the galaxy in the painting and notice what emotions or thoughts rise up. What comes to your heart as you consider the God of this universe is also the one who created you?

Special Note

If you’ve been following my work, you will know that this is the last month of calendar art as I don’t have a calendar for 2024. I will continue to be sending a monthly email with an art story of either some of my Tiny Expanses pieces, my older work (ever curious about what my work looked like as a kid?), or some “backstage” looks into my art practice. I am planning on putting out a calendar again for 2025 so stick with me! Newsletter subscribers will be the first to know when those are released. Thanks for reading along and journeying with me!

If you enjoyed this post and want to read a monthly art story, remember to sign up so future posts get delivered to your email! I usually post them the second Friday of each month. (Add me to your contacts list or you might need to check your promotions or junk folders if you don’t see the email.)

As always, I love to hear from you! If something in this story resonated with you, if you’re interested in commissioning a painting, or if you have other thoughts, feel free to email, or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram. Thanks for being part of my journey and for letting me be a part of yours!