Every Painting Has a Story: September 2024 – “Release”

Well friends, here we are in September. In our part of the world, summer has wrapped up, the kids are back at school, and the weather is turning cooler. This month, I will be sharing the story behind a painting that holds meaning for me because of the season of personal growth it represents. I hope you enjoy the read!

For many years, Tim and I have held the practice of choosing a word at the beginning of the new year; a word to ground us, guide us, and orient us. Instead of New Year’s resolutions, we have found that choosing a theme word is a gentler, more practical way to focus our attention and energy throughout the year. (You can read about our year of “Enough” in this blog post as an example.) In 2022, I chose the word, “Release.”

At that time, I was struggling with some health issues and learning about how our bodies store trauma. I knew that my body was tense and that the tension was contributing to my pain. “Release” was what I longed for. So I adopted it as my word for the year.

“Release”, 8″x10″ acrylic on reclaimed canvas

I painted this piece to remind me of my word, with the iconic red balloon floating away as an image to encourage me let go physically and metaphorically. That year, I enlisted the help of a counsellor trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to walk me through several traumatic memories. I no longer wanted to hold onto them. I also made a conscious effort to remember to pause throughout the day to take a slow, deep breath and relax the muscles throughout my body.

For most of my life, I have lived with anxiety and it not only affected me mentally, but physically as well. That year of “Release” was an important one as I learned to let go. It was a significant step in my healing and wholeness. Even though it’s been two years since then, I still tend toward worry and overthinking so I have left this painting up by my bedside to remind me to exhale and release my grip on things.

“Release” on a shelf in our home

As we enter the Fall season, I don’t know what concerns might be weighing you down, but I hope this painting and my story can serve as an invitation for you to release those cares and rest for a bit, if even for a moment.

Questions for reflection, if you want to go deeper: What might the red balloon represent in your life right now? How tightly are you holding onto your “balloon”? What emotions surface when you see the red balloon floating away in the painting?

If you enjoyed this post and want to read a monthly art story, remember to sign up so future posts get delivered to your email! I usually post them the second Friday of each month. (Add me to your contacts list or you might need to check your promotions or junk folders if you don’t see the email.)

As always, I love to hear from you! If something in this story resonated with you, if you’re interested in commissioning a painting, or if you have other thoughts, feel free to email, or connect with me.